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Bitwise operators


(& x y)
(& x y)
  • takes x: integer
  • takes y: integer
  • produces integer

Bitwise and

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(| x y)
(| x y)
  • takes x: integer
  • takes y: integer
  • produces integer

Bitwise or

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(xor x y)
(xor x y)
  • takes x: integer
  • takes y: integer
  • produces integer

Bitwise exclusive-or

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(shift x y)
(shift x y)
  • takes x: integer
  • takes y: integer
  • produces integer

Shift x y bits left if y is positive, or right by -y bits otherwise.

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(~ x)
(~ x)
  • takes x: integer
  • produces integer

Reverse all bits in x

Supported in either invariants or properties.

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